Why Subscribe?

You are invited to a greenhouse in the Matrix.

This greenhouse has everything. Clarity, Otium, harvest moons, Sailor Moon, SKOR bars, Wintering, PMA, JuLaMon, Ed.D.

It’s a place where you can collaborate with the best parts of your younger self; those who see and understand you; and the people who bring out your best.

It’s a break from zoom fatigue, late stage capitalism, life hacking, growth hacking, and “bloodless exchanges of currency for goods and services”1.

No, but seriously. Imagine if forest bathing teamed up with your favorite plant collectors (I’m looking at you Jehoaddan + Mark K., Alix & Pej). It’s that much oxygen.

It’s a place where no workforce is flexible (read: expendable), wealth building isn’t just for industry fat cats, and everyone supports one another like it’s 7:01pm EST on April 10, 2020.

Together, we will achieve more.


If you’re looking for the lunch table of wizards, poetesses, and chyron operators, I know just the place for you.

This time-traveling ‘77 brown Volvo station wagon is the kind of place that makes you feel like you’re an integral part of a much bigger root system. Be an aspen with us.

Origins of TRTL

It was 2007 and I was working as a writer/producer/new media director & assistant steak cutter to the CEO at The McLaughlin Group.

Not every meet cute is about romantic love. Some are friend soulmate meets. Over a late night show re-write and fax machine malfunction, I saw just how real deal Becca was.

She problem-solved, trouble-shot, pushed back on the right things in the edit, redirected ‘off’ energy, and got. it. done. Like someone three times her age staffed with a team of 30.

Becca was—and still very much is—a straight shooter. I was here for it. Fast friends and co-conspirators, we bonded over being from cities you won’t see on screen and having aspirations of doing Big things in Big ways. We shared resources like farm kids were raised to do and laughed through daily moments of “awkward turtle” on the job.

It was so awkward so often, the term “turtle” was a permanent staple in our vocabulary. It grew in meaning and legend as the y3ars and Sweet Disposition play counts ticked on.

The TRTL moniker has come to represent a spirit of generosity, optimism, creativity, hacking the system, and teaming up with other turtles.

We mentor, support, and financially invest in those who are re-imagining and redesigning systems not designed for or with them. Learn more via our vision.


This About page was influenced by the verbal alchemy and conceptual innovations of Trabian Shorters’ Asset Framing, Nitzan Hermon, McSweeny’s, Bill Hader’s Stefon, Key Strout’s Let’s Get Drinks, George Orwell’s Politics and the English Language, and Kevin Roose’s Futureproof.


Ibid., Roose.

Subscribe to Turtle Adventures

A lifelong journey to find and nourish your highest self—and help others do the same.


Lifts spirits, weights, human potential, and first generation wealth.